Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Molly-isms #autismroadtrip

I get such a kick out of Molly-isms and what makes her so unique. You have heard about her obsessive need to take out the trash, push drawers fully in, make sure the frig has the light on "ice" not "water", bring dirty dishes to the kitchen (that her brother has left somewhere), wipe down toilets with the towels and then rehang the towels (STILL makes me laugh even though it's disgusting). What is interesting is that these OCD's didn't follow her on the trip. Or maybe they did but I was so happy to be away that I didn't notice?

Actually...this just jogged my memory from Jenny's house: any handwritten note or grocery list that was left on the counter was thrown away and I'd hear a baffled Jen thinking she was going senile say "I THOUGHT I left it on the counter......" and I'd have to say "Oh, I bet Molly threw it away"....and lo and behold, it would be in the trash can :)

So here are some photos that I took of my girl along our month long road trip from Colorado, to Wichita, KS, to Springfield, MO, to Branson, MO, to Birmingham, AL, to Augusta, Ga, to Edisto Beach, SC to Pinehurst, NC to Raleigh, NC to Wrightsville Beach, NC to Charlottesville, home. I counted that we stayed in 14 different houses/hotels or timeshare/beds. Overlapped with 11 dogs and 4 cats: Not my girls favorite thing as any of you hosting us noticed. Here are just a few of the cute, sweet dogs that we met.

Lulu and Millie scared the crap out of Molly :) I thought they were awesome.

Charlie kept bringing toy after toy to try and win Molly over.

Gizmo hung as close to Molly as he could. And she tried to stay in the middle of the pool.
It's almost like Molly is the dog whisperer as they are ALL drawn to her even though she doesn't want to be near them. It's like they want to be THE dog to convert her to "dog lover" status. Sadly, none of them succeeded.

This happened at Jenny's beach house in Wrightsville, Beach, NC. On our last day there she said...."Did you do that on the refrigerator?" I said "Do what? What are you talking about?"  So she showed me this picture of her son Patrick and his buddy that she had taken of them. She said "In all the years that I have been coming to this house (30-ish) I have NEVER seen magnets on this side of the refrigerator." Then she had me go look at it and the pattern was a HUGE upside down heart (that I sadly didn't take a picture of). The day we left her house to drive to Virginia, she texted me the next picture.

1st magnet art creation
Goodbye creation

Here are a couple of other cute ones:

She got TONS of awesome hand-me-downs from Ivie and Kacky and HAD to cut out all the tags.

Gotta keep everything in line!

BEST way to keep my girl happy at a restaurant !

Hope you don't want the crayons back however.

She LOVED that I was copying making her patterns! If there were more chips, we'd still be there!
I forced her out of her comfort zone by being away from home for over a month. She loves to drive and listen to music so that part was easy. She loves oceans, pools and hiking so we made that our priority so that she never got too wacky with the changes. We only had two "melt downs" on our journey which I'll share with you in the next post. When life used to be multiple daily meltdowns....2 in a month of change was REALLY good!!

 I love that her little comfort patterns that you see in these pictures are part of what held her together.

What are your comfort patterns?


Unknown said...

Molly is a fantastic pool player: i.e.---her game is a made-up fantasy of her own. We could hear her downstairs laughing, moaning, shouting, "Oooohhhhh NO!" It sounded like a fun, stiff competition with someone, but Kathy, Bob and I all knew that she was the only one in the room. If anyone went down and asked, "May I play, too, Molly?" Her sweet smile was always followed by, "Nooooo."
What was fascinating were the designs she had made of the balls: color coded and lined up in a straight line one time: in a perfect arc another time. Once she let me watch as she used the white ball to roll into the line to scatter balls all around the table. Then she'd roll the ball at individual balls until she had them all in the pockets. No cues were taken off their rack.
There is no question about Molly's intelligence. How wonderful it would be to know what she's thinking. As we all know, she did know how to communicate her need to end the trip and go home. In the middle of the night she was crying and trying to tell her mama something. "Get your talker, Moll." What she brought up was "animals"..."wild animals". Kathy asked, "You want to go to the zoo?" "Yes." We could go to the zoo in Washington."
More tears. "You want to go to the zoo in Manitou?" (or is it Co. Springs?) Molly calmed. "You want to go home?" "Go home."

Kathy Bell said...

Great story about the pool table, Mom! She sure loved playing by herself! She probably knew that we wouldn't know how to follow her rules. I'm going to share the "Go Home" story and you almost have it right. ;) xo