Wednesday, July 9, 2014

This and That....summer in full swing.

Did you worry that after my last post that our marriage imploded since it's been 3 weeks since you last heard from me? It didn't....we are going for 20 more. We have been having a lot of fun and I just haven't been in the posting mood. So instead I'll just share a few pictures from our summer so far.

Our "new" 1997 Jeep named Burley!
This has been SO fun (and kind of scary too on the true 4 wheeling roads). I haven't driven a stick shift since college in the red Pontiac Phoenix that my parents owned and that my brother Dave and I got to use in the summers. Driving with a clutch sure deters the use of trying to talk on the phone and just makes driving really fun. It's a little pathetic (or A LOT pathetic) that I had a sore left knee after the two hour drive to the mountains. It's called "clutch knee" I think. We also are glad that Jack gets to learn as you never know when you might need to know how to drive a stick.

Brooke loves to mountain bike high up into the mountains to get away from it all. He also hates that Molly can't experience that with him since she can't ride a bike. So in researching 4 wheel drive options, we decided to buy an old Jeep that we could use to add to our limited repertoire of Molly activities. She loves to hike, swim, and now Jeep. We have named him "Burley". Brooke hauled Molly around for years in the bike burley when she was little. He got his exercise, she got out and about, and I had a beautiful break. Her knees were up around her ears, her head was above the roof line and she was at least 30 lbs heavier than the recommended weight to be pulled before we finally gave that up as an option. This is the adult version of the burley. We love it!!

300 piece puzzle
 Molly LOVES puzzles and spent hours trying to complete this one. It's one of the larger that she has ever done. She needed help getting the borders done but after that she did it herself. It's fascinating to watch her as she doesn't use the picture to find the fit. That makes me CRAZY to watch as isn't it obvious that the blue sky doesn't go down in the sand? She judges solely on the shape of the puzzle piece. It's wild when she scans the pieces, picks one up and BAM plugs it into a weird location and it fits!! Since she had such a blast doing it, we thought that the next day she'd want to do it again, so we broke it all apart and got it ready for her.....but she had NO desire to do it again. Make sense. But it's nice to have an activity besides TV that engages her and feels like it's good for her too. I'll try pulling that one out again soon.

One of Molly's first ABA therapists came for dinner and a visit
 Meghan worked with Molly the year after she graduated from college and was applying to Medical School. She decided to become a Developmental Pediatrician after working with Molly and seeing that she wanted to make a difference in the lives of families like ours. We were so lucky to have her and we are touched that Molly had such a huge impact on Meghan and her career choice.

First real 4 wheeling outing.

4 wheeling hair is kinda crazy.

The Cheyenne boys on Jack's summer lacrosse team
We are lucky that so many of Jack's buddies from his school team are also playing on the Air Force Academy summer select team the Thunderbolts. After the Rutgers tournament was over, our guys got to go explore NYC. They loved it!! Jack is the 3rd from the left on the back row.

This is a huge week for lacrosse out here in Colorado as the World Games start tomorrow in Denver. These cuties below are team USA who were all in Colorado Springs yesterday at the Olympic Training Center. They also are having a few last practices at the Air Force Academy before the tournament begins. I hope that a few are still around when I drop off the boys for practice today. Why do you think that I volunteered to take carpool tonight? :) GO USA!!

USA Lacrosse team