Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Who am I and what am I supposed to do now?

Dear Summer,

Thank you SO much for those glorious 3 months. I am so lucky to have a spouse that works so hard and gives me the flexibility to take full advantage of you. We went to lots of great lacrosse games and tournaments. Thank you for the glorious sunshine and low Colorado humidity. We swam ( well... Molly swam) at the pool early on until mid summer when you rained a TON and it was too cold in the afternoon to go. But thanks to that, we had No fires this year! Even the flooding didn't happen. Got to travel back to Charlottesville, Virginia seeing family and then down to Williamsburg for great historical knowledge and family time. Then we hopped in our rental and drove on down to Wrightsville Beach, NC where Jack fell in love with all water sports and admitted that he might consider living near the water one day (instead of just near his precious snowboarding Rocky Mountains). Then I got to stay on at Figure 8 with high school besties for girl talk "therapy camp" as we have named our time together. Truly nothing like being with girlfriends who have loved me since I was a teenager, who don't know my spouse and kids, and still love me all these years later. Biking, walking, running, paddle boarding, boating, drinking, eating, beaching, sleeping: all so rejuvenating that I return home feeling happy and renewed.   Upon my return to reality, it was Jack's two a day soccer practices, adding football practices on top of that so that he can be the kicker. Lots of driving back and forth at all hours. Drivers Ed stuff, Brooke's fabulous new job, the brand new Trex deck is now ready for use, Molly has started school, Jack has started school and Kathy's busy life has..............slowed down. Thank you Summer!   xo Kathy

Which brings me to today. Who am I? What is my life purpose?

I'm 48 years old, my kids aren't as needy as before, and I find myself in that midlife place. I want a fulfilling job that gives back to the world and yet enables me to still have the flexibility to be home at 3 when Molly gets home from school as she still can't be left alone. I want to see all of Jack's soccer and football games. I want the stay at home lifestyle with the full time working pay check :)

So here is my plan: This is the year to start creating an amazing group living/working scenario for Molly post high school. She is a senior and that next step looms large. I need to visualize first what that looks like and then start creating it. My goal this year is to also document the amazing gains she is making in her speech! IT IS FREAKY and AWESOME!! How does a kid start talking at 17 years old? I want YOU to see the coolness too. Jack is going to help with his fun video projects and we are thinking that his byline will be "Jackin' with Molly" as he has so many ideas of how to share her quirks in a funny, loving, yet informative way. Stay tuned. I think you will enjoy his productions.

So I'm back. I'll try and be consistent with updates as there are SO many Molly summer stories to share: Like she almost got hit by a car and died in front of my eyes. Thank God for good brakes. Her many new words. My friend Jenny's perspective on Molly as she hasn't spent much time with her through the years.... and many others.

Dinner with the Smethurst clan

I love this picture.

Fun high school crew!

Hard to believe one of us has a kid that is MARRIED now!

Early deck building