Monday, December 28, 2015

Favorite presents

Cozy hammock

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Here are a few of Molly's favorite Christmas presents. Cute PJ's from the Huff crew. They are so soft that I just want to snuggle her (or steal them). A Colorado hat that Jack bought for her all on his own (with shock and amazement from me as I had no idea he had gotten us all gifts with his own precious hard earned $! ). Brooke put the hammock up in her room and she lives in it now. It solves her desire for sensory input: squishes her AND rocks back and forth! She cranks her tunes on her iPad mini, scrolls her FB friends and life is pretty darn perfect.

No real update on the O2 as we didn't take the tank up to the mountains with us over Christmas as Molly was sharing a room with her brother and he didn't need to suffer the "poofing" sound. She has begrudgingly worn the oxygen the two nights that we have been home and kept it on all night so I think that we are golden until the next blood draw in 3 months that will tell us if this is helping or not.

Hoping to have our annual Christmas video done this week which makes it actually more a New Year's video. However, suddenly I have lost two days of working on it as Molly and I are turning around and heading back up to Frisco so that Jack and a few buddies can ski/board during this week.

It's a good life! xo

It's a miracle that she hasn't cut off the poof balls!

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