Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Senior year of the "typical" sibling.

That means Jack :)

I have every intention of being more consistent with this blog, and then life gets in the way: I AM still script writing for Gemiini, while trying to balance the life of a family. Why does everyone need to eat and have clean laundry? Why does the lab dog hair take over so quickly? And what exactly IS that smell that we can not seem to clean out of the refrigerator despite scrubbing every nook and cranny? The first month plus of school for Jack has been super busy/fun and it being his senior year of high school, I am trying to take it all in and savor every moment. I get a little teary when I think of his fun presence being gone to college and off into the world.

A quick drive by of highlights from this month: Attending soccer/football and ultimate frisbee games to watch Jack's pals and then him play frisbee. He played both football and soccer the first 3 years of high school and has migrated to Ultimate Frisbee this fall for a fun change. LOTS of running which will get him in shape for lacrosse. He has Captains' practice one night a week for a fun casual gathering of all the boys' high school lacrosse players. It's a chance for the older guys to get to know the younger ones before tryouts in the spring.

Broncos are doing well. Our CU Buff's are looking a little better this year..... and we have needed a "little better" for a lot of years now!

Homecoming week had Jack SO busy with all the Student Council involvements from coming up with a theme: Mardi Gras, to decorating the school, to building floats for the parade. To then practicing the seniors Powder Puff cheer (hilarious and for some reason I can't post a video via this blog so I sadly can't show you), to the Homecoming Football game (we lost), to shopping for an outfit last minute Saturday morning,  to finally showering, dressing up, having dinner with all his pals and their dates and then going to the dance.

Do you know what I admire most about Jack and that entire process...is that I had NOTHING to do with it. He is SO good about managing his very busy schedule. He has gotten himself up since elementary school and I rarely have to see if he has over slept. My job is to try and keep the boy fed because he is always hungry!!

Sometimes pictures speak louder than words so here is a glimpse of our life so far this fall.

Ralphie (BEST mascot there is!)

Jack and Molly before his fun Homecoming night!

Boys being goofy!

The beautiful high school kids all ready for the Homecoming Dance.

Jack's stunning girlfriend. She's beautiful on the inside too!

The Senior's Powder Puff outfits. The dance routine was even better! :)
Senior Photo shoot with the amazing Katie Work.

Jeeping getaway to check out the changing colors.
My handsome senior!
He loves the jacket. I love his short hair.

He successfully made me laugh (as always)!

College applications, campus visits, another round of ACT testing and hopefully by Thanksgiving, Jack will have all his paperwork finished and he can relax a little more into enjoying the rest of his high school experiences. So far they have been fun!

Molly is SO busy too with work, speech therapy, music therapy, being assessed for a job, starting Special Olympics volleyball tonight (THAT should be interesting....will update you later) and hiking whenever possible. I'll give you a few quick Molly stories next time.

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