Friday, May 9, 2014

Let's Create a Great Life for Ourselves!

I have never really had a set goal for how many blog posts I'd write, but figured it would happen at least twice a week. Lo and behold 10 days have past since my last post and I'm sorry about that. Squeezed in a four day heavenly girls trip to sunny, warm Texas where I was over fed, I over imbibed, and was pampered like I dream about. Having absolutely no responsibilities other than my own happiness took about 3 seconds to relax into. Thank you, Priscilla! As I have gotten older, I have learned to fully appreciate the power of a women's getaway. Creating a cohesive, no drama group is the key to it's success. Yummy cocktails help too. Deep Eddy grapefruit Vodka out of Austin! YUM!! Having a few women with great senses of humor and funny story telling skills is icing on the cake. I came home refreshed and everything that was bugging me about my family prior to my departure, had miraculously disappeared!

My new favorite book
One (of the many) great thing about a girls trip is that inevitably you hear about a great read. I was the lame-o early to bed gal of the group and bowed out of the late night festivities before everyone else each night (Hey now, I lasted 'til midnight at least one of the nights), which meant on the flip side that I was the first one up. This left me with quiet mornings by myself to drink coffee and read by the pool. That is my favorite time of day in my own home, to get up before the kids and have a quiet mental space to prepare for the hours ahead. I spotted this book on the table. I bet that you have a friend like this. Anything that Ashley ears perk up. She might mention a great restaurant,  a website to check out,  the best handy man or hairdresser, to the coolest family traditions. If you need great info....Ash is the one to turn to. Plus she is hilarious and fun and easy to be with. AND she has 5 kids ranging in ages from 22 years old down to 2 years old so she has seen it all and her wisdom overfloweth. She had left this book by the pool, and since mine wasn't grabbing me, I picked it up and was drawn in immediately.

The title says it all "Nine do-it-yourself energy experiments that PROVE your thoughts create your reality." Each experiment costs nothing and they only take 2 days a piece to create. That's my kind of experiment. The story that got my immediate attention was the author was grappling with the desire to be a full time writer but wasn't sure if she could make a living at it. She wrote part time and had another part time paying job. She decided to try the experiment by asking the universe to give her a clear sign if she should be a full time writer or not. She got fired from her job the next day! I love that story. Normally, you would be devastated by that turn of events. For her, it was the clear sign that she needed to be a full time writer...and the gigs started coming in. It's all a matter of perspective, right?

I find myself in a similar state. After 20 years as a massage therapist, I was ready for a change and was thrilled when a cool job with a start up company landed in my lap last fall. Well that paid job came to a screeching halt in April (which isn't all that surprising with a start up company) and with summer knocking on my door and the kids still needing me, this is not the time to be interviewing for a "real job". So this is the PERFECT time to start creating my new reality with my thoughts :) Want to do it with me? The more of us the better I think!

My ideal job would be an undercover writer for spa magazines where I travel the globe, receive spa treatments (I'm an expert at that since I gave them for 20 years), and then write about the experiences. I'd get to travel, I'd get massages, I'd sit by the oceans of the world, and I'd get to write. All loves of mine. Perfect!

I'd also love to create communities....and my vision isn't quite crystal clear yet. Having grown up at a boarding school, I picture the community dining hall for meals. Yes, I'm sick of cooking. My FB friends know that. I picture community living for not just the retirees (over 50 communities) but also for families. Sharing meals is powerful! Most importantly, I'd love to create communities for adults with disabilities where they can meaningfully contribute to the best of their abilities and live a life with purpose. Organic farming? Car Washing? I want Molly to be surrounded by others where I know that even when we are gone, she will have support. I don't want to impose her challenges on her brother (or his future spouse) for daily living. He will always be there for her to oversee and support her and if he WANTS her to live with him...that's another story completely.

Lastly, if this "thoughts create my reality" is true (and I believe that it is) can I push it just a tad by getting you all to help me envision the game winning goal for Jack's state playoff lacrosse game tonight? Cheyenne Mountain is ranked 8th and they are playing the #1 seed Wheat Ridge at 7 pm. We can win this game and I have seen it in my minds eye :) Go Indians!!

"Bigfoot" hauled us around the ranch. I look pretty happy waving, don't I?


Unknown said... this! As you know, I left corporate America and have started my own gardening business...and many times along the way, I asked for signs from the universe...and received them time and time again...start visualizing, manifesting what then ideal would look the way, business is booming...:-)

Kathy Bell said...

I'm SO glad that it is, Dana!! You deserve it! Happy early Mother's Day my friend.