Saturday, March 22, 2014

Molly talking

It's our first day of Spring Break with not one plan on the books. Feels like everyone but us has left for an exotic, warm vacation and we are left homebound on this cold, overcast day. Lisette has given me a tutorial on how to upload pictures and movies so I am practicing that today. Who knows how many old family movies you will get to see? As many of my FB friends will recall, I videoed Molly about a year ago and was quite shocked by the outpouring of support and surprise from friends who had no idea how interactive she could be. Here it is again.


Anonymous said...

Some of those expressions and especially the way she said mom! seem like your typical teenager to me ;)
I loved having Miss Molly on our girls trip and welcome her back anytime

kim6erly said...

Congratulations to your beautiful daughter!! I don't know if you remember me, but we were in MOPS together - which now seems a very long time ago. I very clearly remember the day your shared your daughter's diagnosis. You were devastated. I had no idea what I said or did, probably something inappropriate. Those are never my best moments.
Anyway, I wanted to write and say I am so amazed that your daughter is speaking! Isn't that rare after so many years of being non-verbal? All that hard work has paid off. Congratulations to Molly and her mom!!

Kathy Bell said...

Kimberly, I do in fact remember you as I look at your picture. But don't fret, I don't recall a word that you might have said! Those are the "foggy years" and you would have had to have done something REALLY awful for me to recall. Thank you for your sweet words!! Friend me so that I can see how your kids have grown up too.